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Learn To Build Orgonite Pyramids with My Online School Orgone Academy

I have been working with orgone energy and building orgonite for many years, gifting it to hundreds of cell towers across the United States, distributing tens of thousands of pyramids across the world, and have nearly 300 students in over 25 countries that have went through my school Orgone Academy. 
Recently in the 2020s, orgonite has become very popular around the world. People use orgone pyramids for a variety of things: to protect from radiation, to promote a harmonious environment, to heal their bodies, and many other reasons regarding the expansion of human consciousness. 
The problem is that most orgonite on the market is junk made in China, or by people who are miseducated. The majority of supposed orgonite pyramids available today are built with improper techniques and materials, with few pyramid artists out there who are doing it right and following the ancient art of pyramid engineering that we see mighty examples of all around the world.
I have put my heart and soul into creating my orgonite pyramid building school Orgone Academy, to provide the world with the most valuable place to learn about pyramid sciences and orgone energy, helping you create a thriving life for yourself, friends, and family!
It is the most versatile and only existing orgonite course in the world that is 100% eco-friendly, and you will learn everything you need to know about orgonite and orgone energy! You will learn how to create orgone devices, how to use them, and how to grow an orgonite business no matter how many followers you have on social media. We focus solely on how to build the world's most powerful pyramids, and how to efficiently repeat that process over and over again without error.
There is now a multitude of deadly orgonites across the world. These pyramids are toxic and emit harmful radiation called Negative-Vertical Green energy or Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR), named by the oman who rediscovered orgone energy, Wilhelm Reich.
This is because pyramids should be built with 8+ sides and proper ingredients, instead of four and with improper materials. When pyramids are built improperly with poor engineering, they cannot use orgone energy properly, causing them to emit DOR radiation and begin to harm the user and environment over time.
Every ancient pyramid across the world was constructed with 8+ sides to cancel out any toxic emissions that could come from the pyramid. You will see worldwide that the pyramids still standing in the best condition are all 8+ sided pyramids. Inside Orgone Academy, you will learn how ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayans, & Native Americans built pyramids and many even more advanced techniques beyond what these civilizations built.
You will gain access to ancient pyramid knowledge that you can use to aid in humanity's healing and your own. Orgone Academy studies biogeometry and many different ancient pyramid-building cultures. Our purpose is not to copy our ancestors (for they were wrong about many things), but to evolve and improve from their creations of pyramids using them to better humanity.



Orgone Academy is the premier online school for mastering the art of orgonite building. Whether you're a beginner eager to learn or an experienced practitioner looking to refine your skills, it offers everything you need to create powerful and effective orgonite devices. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of orgonite, the importance of quality craftsmanship, and how Orgone Academy can guide you on your journey to becoming a skilled orgonite builder.


The Power of Orgonite

Orgonite is a composite material that has proved to transmute negative energy into positive energy, thus promoting well-being and a harmonious living environment. Some of the major constituents that makeup orgonite include resin, iron powder, and quartz crystals at the most basic level, all working together in perfect harmony while harnessing and balancing energies.

Benefits of Orgonite:

EMF Protection: It controls the adverse effects resulting from electromagnetic fields developed around the electronic devices, hence offering a healthier living environment.

More Balanced, Calm, Energized: Many of those using orgonite report a balanced, calm, energized feeling.

Better Quality of Sleep: Orgonite can make for a better night's sleep by evening out the energies in your environment.

Spiritual Growth: Orgonite is used in meditation and spiritual space to deepen the experience and connection with self.


Why Quality Craftsmanship Matters

While the right materials are essential for making effective orgonite, creating one also requires precision, care, and a deep understanding of the energy dynamics involved. If orgonite devices are not constructed correctly, this may not yield the desired benefits; in fact, it might really disrupt the flow of energy. This is where Orgone Academy really shines: our courses are focused on quality craftsmanship that lets you create truly powerful, effective orgonite devices.

About Orgone Academy

In Orgone Academy, courses will be conducted in regard to different skill levels and interests. Our curriculum has been tailored to arm you with the skills and techniques to excel in orgonite building.

Why Choose Orgone Academy?

Expert Instructor: You will get to be taught by experienced instructor, Sher, (me!) in this area who will share all their knowledge and experience in building orgonite.

Full and Balanced Curriculum: Our courses include everything there is on the building of orgonite—theory and practical application.

Flexible Learning: With our online course, study at your own pace, anytime and from anywhere in the world.

Community Support: Connect with a community of people with similar interests in


Orgonite and Energy Healing Success Stories From Our Students:

Hundreds of students at Orgone Academy have transformed their lives and developed new skills. Some of their stories are below:

Mark T.: "Their course on advanced techniques took my orgonite building to a different level altogether. It is about tutors who know what they're doing, really supportive, and makes the whole process enjoyable and rewarding to learn."

Lisa M.: "I love the flexibility of the online courses. I can learn at my own pace and revisit the lessons whenever I need to. Orgone Academy has greatly improved my knowledge in understanding and application of orgonite."

Ready to get started in making orgonite? Go to and check out our courses. Enroll today. Experience the magic of orgonite and how you can successfully become an orgonite builder with Orgone Academy.


Orgone Academy holds the key to mastering the building of orgonite. We have an expert instructor, detailed syllabus, and strong community all coming together with the intention to help you in building powerful, efficient, and result-driven orgonite devices. Join us today for a new radical change in your view of energy and well-being!

Tags: Orgonite Building, Energy Healing, EMF Protection, Online Courses, Orgone Academy

Author: Sher, Founder of Orgonomy & Orgone Academy


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