Orgonomy & The Study of Orgone Energy

Orgonomy & The Study of Orgone Energy

Orgonomy: The Study of Orgone Energy


Welcome to Orgonomy, my foundation and official source of authentic orgone pyramids! Orgonomy is the study of orgone energy, the powerful life force that permeates all living things. My non-profit pyramid building foundation is dedicated to exploring and harnessing positive orgone energy to improve health and well-being, to expand consciousness, and to restore the energy grid of the earth. In this blog, I will be sharing more about my views on orgone energy, its benefits, and how our foundation is making a difference in the world.


What Really is Orgone Energy?

Orgone energy was rediscovered in the 1930s by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He believed that orgone energy is the underlying universal life force present in all living beings and the environment. Energy makes up everything, and that energy itself could be referred to as orgone, orgone energy that is. It is also known as chi in Chinese medicine, prana in Buddhism, and ether in ancient sciences. Dr. Reich's research led to the development of devices designed to accumulate and harness orgone energy, which he believed could have profound health benefits, his most popular device was called the orgone accumulator.


The Ancient Science Behind Orgone Energy

Dr. Reich's work involved the construction of his orgone accumulators, which were basically boxes layered with organic and inorganic materials. They were designed to collect and concentrate orgone energy from the surrounding local environment, which Wilhelm claimed could treat various physical and psychological ailments. Although his theories were controversial for their time, many alternative researchers and practitioners continue to explore the potential of orgone energy in the modern day. My foundation Orgonomy and Orgone Academy is the number one current resource of authentic orgone sciences that bases the same sciences into our engineered orgone pyramids. 

Benefits of Orgone Energy

  1. EMF Protection: One of the most popular uses of orgone energy is to neutralize harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by electronics and other devices. True orgone pyramids and other devices from Orgonomy can neutralize the negative effects of EMF, stabilizing the nervous system and local environment. You can purchase pyramids here at: 

  2. Improved Energy Levels & Emotional Health: Many people have reported to me over the years telling me that they are in general feeling more emotionally balanced, calm, and that their quality of life has increased when surrounded by my orgone pyramids in their home and travels. Authentic orgone devices can truly help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your overall health and the health of the local environment.

  3. Enhanced ATP Production: True orgone pyramids concentrate orgone to support the body's own natural healing processes. It helps the body heal itself. Users of my pyramids over the years have told me many great storeis about their vitality increasing, less brain fog, better sleep,having more enegergy, and many more unique experines. You can read about these experiences in the reviews seectino of the Orgonomy site!

  4. Accelerated Plant Growth Yield: True orgone devices can also used in farming agriculture to promote healthier plant growth and stronger roots in plants. I have had incredible results helping farmers grid orgonite around their farms to help the overall farm's health. What they saw was increased drought protection, higher yields, faster growth, stronger roots, and better water retention! It can be combined with other electroculture practices for even better results. 


My Heart's Mission at Orgonomy!

At Orgonomy, my mission is to educate the world about ancient pyramid sciences and how they can greatly impact human, biological, and environmental health, as well as to grid the entire earth in orgone pyramids, which will help raise the consciousness of humanity and heal the earth's magnetic field which is virtuallly non-existent and non-measurable in most places at this point. It is my intention, from the divine imprint of my soul, to provide, lead, and educate others about pyramid sciences. Orgonomy is committed to conducting authentic scientific research, offering educational resources through our orgonite building school Orgone Academy (you can enroll here), and distributing powerful orgone pyramids to help people, businesses, sanctuaries, and communities.

My Projects & Intentions With Orgonomy:

  1. Research & Development: I am always collaborating with scientists, researchers, and practitioners of energy of all kinds to further explore the my growing 15,000+ hours of pyramid and orgone energy research. My goal is to show the consistency and efficacy of authentic orgone pyramids and pyramid sciences to the mainstream world for healing and mass conscious awakening.

  2. Education: I offer seasonal workshops in Sedona, Arizona and can teach anywhere around the world by request. My classic popular online workshop course Orgone Academy educates people about orgone energy, its benefits, and how to build true orgone pyramids. My offerings are designed for individual people and artists, health practitioners of all kinds, creatives, orgone buiders, and anyone truly interested in energy healing.

  3. Large Scale Orgone Pyramid Construction: Our foundation specializes in building high-quality orgone pyramids and being the lead distributor of authentic energy pyramids of all sizes. These pyramids are carefully crafted in small batches following specific lunar cycles, ancient pyramid engineering principles, and many more unique processes that make Orgonomy superior to any other pyramid brand. Using the best materials, the correct ratios, biogeometry principles, and specific pyramid shapes, we maximize their effectiveness. Our goal is to distribute very large pyramids upon sacred sites and areas across the world as well as sanctuaries and retreat centers, and for smaller pyramids to be placed in peoples homes to benefit their life and the energy in their homes, having a piece of ancient technolongy right in the comfot of their own home. Our pyramids are available for personal use, community projects, and research purposes. We are not medical professionals and this is for "educational purposes only." 

Join the Orgonomy Movement!

By utilizing orgone energy, we can reignite REAL magic back into our lives. We can create a healthier, more balanced world and society. I invite you to join the Orgonomy movement and explore the incredible potential of the pyramids I build and share as my gift to you and the world! Whether you're interested in purchasing a true orgone pyramid, enrolling in Orgone Academy, attending an in person workshop, or supporting our research, you are welcome here and it is my honor to share!


Orgonomy is the study of orgone energy, and this energy truly has the power to transform one's life, and deepen one's spirituality and connection to the spiritual world. At Orgonomy, our non-profit foundation is dedicated to advancing pyramid enegineering, orgone energy research, education, and the construction and distribution of powerful orgonite pyramids. Join us in making a positive impact on the world for generations!

Explore More with Orgonomy

Ready to dive deeper? Visit the Orgonomy website to purchase yramids and other kinds of orgonite, see our pyramid gallery, latest projects, and more. Let's restore the magic back into the world!


  2. http://www/
  3. Wilhelm Reich's Scientific Research

Author: Sher Angad, Founder of Orgonomy & Orgone Academy


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