My Story & Journey of Self Realization

My Story & Journey of Self Realization

My Ultimate Life-Changing DMT Psychedelic Experience


I wanted to write this blog to share more about my life's journey and how I got here today. It's been a wild ride. I have had a very unique and special life experience that brings me lots of joy to share, so let's dive right in! I also have a recorded podcast episode if you prefer listening to my story rather than reading it! Listen to my show, The Awakened Living Podcast here!

Continuing on...

In 2018, being 18 years young, I experienced a profound and life-altering plant medicine journey through the realms of the universe and consciousness itself. Guided by the most powerful psychedelic compound on earth known as DMT, combined in 2 forms. These forms were Psilocybin (O-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) and N,N-Dimethyltryptamine from Acacia tree root bark. At the time, I had virtually very little to no experience with psychedelics and plant medicines.

During this phase of my life, I had gone through a lot. I had just gotten into building pyramids around that time, and my life was really growing and transforming out of a very dark place. Those years were some of the hardest of my life but in them I found my soul and remembered who I am. This experience was more than just a trip—it was a profound awakening and sacred once in a lifetime experience that enlightened me to God, my soul, my purpose, and so much more.

Where My Journey Began

My experience started when I consumed a large amount of psilocybin and during the peak of the trip, I vaporized a very generous dose of pure DMT crystals. I immediately completely left my body and human self and lost all consciousness of where I was in the room that my body was in and the earthly plane. I completely left this 3D realm, and blasted through a white tunnel looking portal into a much higher dimensional place. People often call the DMT realm. The DMT realm is said by many to be the higher dimension where God resides, the eternal realm where our souls come from and return to. I was immediately transported to a realm beyond our physical reality. The world around me dissolved into a dazzling array of colors and patterns, and I felt as though I was being pulled into the very fabric of the universe itself. In that moment, I knew that I was embarking on a journey that would change me forever. 

Encountering The Most High Himself

As I went through this "white light portal" many people who have described near death experiences like, I spawned and appeared in this absolutely MASSIVE glowing golden cathedral, which looked like it was many miles tall and wide. It was made of pure gold glowing light, the purest golden glow I have ever seen, nearly identical to how the bible describes heaven. I look around and observe this place, immediately feeling a sense of familiarity. I have the sense of being in a body and being able to perceive my surroundings and have conscious awareness of my experience, but something was different in this place. I looked at my hands and held them up, they were made of pure golden light. I was no longer in my human body, but the golden rainbow light body of my soul, known in Tibetan Buddhism as the "rainbow body" of enlightenment.

In front of me at was a massive throne of some sort which spanned for what looked to be many many miles long and high, virtually infinite. I raised my sight towards the top of the throne, and as I began to look higher and more upwards, I notice a golden light brighter than the cathedral itself, resting atop of the throne. Immediately within less than a second of staring at this golden glowing orb, I felt an extremely powerful energy wash over me that forced my to bow in front of it. No exaggeration, this light had to be at least 1000x brighter and stronger than the sun itself, and the higher I raised my sight at it, the stronger I felt the energy push me down to my knees like an extreme weight. Looking back, I truly believe I bowed before the creator himself, and that I was summoned to heaven where God is eternally.

My Soul Purpose

After I seemed to have acknowledged the creator, everything in the cathedral looking place began to disappear, similar to that of a movie. The creator started communicating with me and speaking to me directly to my consciousness through telepathy, because in higher dimensions there are no languages or human auditory sound. There is only pure energy and light. We spawned together in another dimension within the heavenly realm I had been summoned to. This place was very dark, with no golden light. All of a sudden this entire place began to spin in sacred geometry toroidal patterns such and form a black and white-golden light source that looked like a toroid. I soon realized what God was showing me was the creation of the physical realm.

I continued to watch in awe, as the heavenly father himself showed me a replay of the creation of the universe and earth. This toroid expanded into a physical land of earth, resembling a timeline in which I watched from the start of creation, all the way to my soul incarnation and me in this life right here right now. I saw myself building and distributing large orgone pyramids, utilizing and bringing back ancient lost knowledge and technologies bestowed upon me to bring back down to the earth. There was no sense of human time, fore this experience genuinely felt like hundreds of years being outside of the human earthly domain. I was shown things beyond human thought and comprehension that are impossible to put into 3rd dimensional words. The what seemed to be timelapse began to come to a close, and the great holy spirit expressed its gratitude for me listening to the calling of the plant medicine that was able to get me back to my home realm with God. I then spawned back in the orignal spot I came, and felt like a vacuum was pulling me. I then was slowly pulled backwards back through the portal i came, back through the white tunnel of light, back into my body on earth.

I was left with a profound sense of activation. It was as if a dormant part of my being had been awakened, and I knew that I had been given a mission—to spread ancient pyramid technology and my soul's love to the world. I felt a deep connection to the my sown soul, the heavenly father himself, mother earth, and all living beings, and I knew that I was meant to use my experience and knowledge to help others on their spiritual journeys and help raise the consciousness of humanity!


You can listen to the full story with more vidid detail on my show, The Awakened Living Podcast hereThis specific journey with DMT was the most powerful and transformative experience of my life. It will affect me forever and still does everyday. It set my soul on fire for my purpose on earth, and nothing can dwindle it. It filled me with infinite love, drastically increased my IQ and activated me. I intend that I can inspire others to embark on their own deep fear-facing journeys of self-discovery and transformation, and join me in spreading this love to the world and for everyone to embody the great spiritual power that is their soul while here having a human experience here on earth.

Join Me on My Sacred Life Journey

Are you ready to embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and transformation? Together, we can raise the consciousness of humanity and create heaven on earth. Visit my foundation to learn more about my soul purpose work building and distributing pyramids. Thank you for being with me on this journey! 

Author: Sher Angad, Founder of Orgonomy & Orgone Academy


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