CrucialFour mColostrum


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  • Description

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    mColostrum is grass-fed, low temp dried, un denatured, non irradiated and single origin harvested. This colostrum has the highest fat & protein content of any colostrum, making our colostrum the most nutrient dense in the world.

    This is the best colostrum Mother Nature has to offer. It is created with care, and without monkeying around and trying to tweak the product in a lab. Our mColostrum is not stripped of fat, which means that it can be made in smaller and fresher batches.

    mColostrum contains a rich array of nutrients, including: growth factors, proline-rich polypeptides, lactoferrin, lipidic & glucidic factors, oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, cytokines, immunoglobulins and nucleosides. These nutrients may help support: gut stability, nutrient absorption, digestive health, well-being and recovery.


    My Thoughts: My friend Charles owns Crucial Four and he is a great guy who puts integrity and top quality in his products. This is definitely my favorite colostrum, better than other popular brands like AMRA!